The main advantage of our product is that to the date it is the only on the world market track membrane water filter of the safest "open" type! It means that unlike in the most water filters of the "closed" type (more than 90% of portable water filters currently available on the world market) NO BACTERIA GROWTH IS POSSIBLE INSIDE NAQWA® SWR! This NAWA patented technology alone is enough to put our product in the leading position on the market. Other important features of NAQWA® SWR are as follows:
- outstanding quality of water purification;
- unique water structuring due to the human cell technology utilized;
- no need to change the cartridge;
- green product - no chemicals used;
- high capacity;
- easy in use;
- suitable both for in & outdoor use;
- very affordable price; -
No need to change cartridges as NAQWA® SWR cartridges are very easy to clean - just wash them in water with a soft washing cloth for 3-5 minutes. In case of high level of cartridge contamination a small amount of a light acid solution should be used.
According to the product's warranty and if handled properly NAQWA® SWR Drinking Water Recoverer lasts for at least 12 months producing up to 20 000 liters of the top quality drinking water per year which is enough to support about 20 adults a day. In practice our product lasts till its accidental physical damage due to improper handling.
According to laboratory analyses NAQWA® SWR purifies water first of all from most dangerous bacteria and also to a certain extent from other pollutants such as:
Colon bacillus: 99,9...%;
Siberian plague 99,9...%;
Plague strain: 99,9...%;
Pesticides: 99,9...%;
Heavy metal: 85%;
In special cases and for some territories NAQWA® purifiers are equipped with specially calibrated purifying cartridges to match local bacteria criteria. -
To get our product on line please fill in the contact form on the page "Get On Line" .
To make a purchase order, please send us a requesting message using the order/message form.
We usually sell trough our local agents and therefore forward revert to them all purchase orders we receive from their territories. In case there is no local agent in your territory we shall handle your order ourselves or through our agent nearest to you. -
We expect our distributors to have corresponding capabilities to buy out from us certain amount of our product at special distributor's wholesale prices. Please send us a message using the order/message form on this website.